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Don’t you have goals, dreams, visions, or plans about things you’d love to have or accomplish? Perhaps it’s losing 25 lbs of regain, taking your vitamins, or simply drinking 1 more glass of water each day.
Having the dream is the easy part. Making it a reality can be more challenging. However, the good news is that there are proven techniques that can get you from where you are to where you want to be.
Follow this process below. Download the free worksheet. Come back in January for our Vision Board workshop!
Turn your dream into a goal. When you have a goal, you have a true target. For a greater chance of success, your plan should have a deadline and it must be measurable.
Prioritize your goal daily. Read and write your goal each day.
Make a list of negative associations. You probably have negative associations with achieving your goal; otherwise, you’d already have it. So make a list of all the negative stuff that pops into your mind when you think about achieving your goal.
Make a list of all the positives about reaching your goal. How would it make you feel? How would it change your life? How would it change your perspective of the world and yourself? What would your next goal be?
What do you need to make your goal a reality? Do you need a special license? Do you need a laptop? Is there some knowledge you must acquire? Make a list of what you need and figure out how you’re going to get it.
Catalog your available resources. Who do you know that could be helpful? What expertise or items do you need that someone else might have?
Track your progress. Measure your progress each day.
Copyright © 2020 Bariatric Center for Success
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