Self-Soothing & Transfer Addiction Among Bariatric Patients

  • “Mommy, I don’t feel good.” “Don’t worry, honey. I bet this cookie will make you feel better!”
  • “O.M.G., I had such a horrible day at work. Want to go out and get a drink?”

As infants, we learned various ways of easing our negative emotional states. How we make ourselves feel better significantly impacts the challenges we face in life. There are negative, neutral, and positive ways to deal with stress. Negatively coping with stress can have serious repercussions.

According to the O.A.C., “Studies show various forms of transfer addiction in up to 30% of patients who have had bariatric surgery. Food is no longer a source of comfort, distraction, reward, or escape for these patients. Other behaviors or substances now substitute for eating and can become problematic.”

Adopting positive strategies can make life much easier!


Examples of negative self-soothing strategies:

  1. Food. Eating as a means of easing stress or sadness often leads to obesity and a host of other health concerns. Eating is a widespread means of making ourselves feel better. Before eating, ask yourself if you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? H.A.L.T. is an acronym used to help you understand what emotion you are feeding.
  2. Shopping. Making unnecessary purchases can create financial challenges. The mental “high” received from spending money is very short-lived. Adding financial stress on top of other concerns isn’t going to help.
  3. Drugs or alcohol. Drugs can limit your ability to work and deal with life in general. There are also ramifications to your health. Financial pressure is another likely outcome. If you’re utilizing alcohol or drugs as a tool for coping, seek professional help to aid you in adopting more positive coping strategies.
  4. Sex. Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases can occur from the use of sex to self-soothe. Sex can be fun, exciting, and distracting, but if misused, it can also create enormous challenges that can affect the rest of your life.

Notice that all these methods of dealing with stress fail to solve the underlying issues. They also cause additional stress in the future. This is hardly a complete list. Think about whether or not your coping techniques are negative.


Examples of neutral strategies:

  1. Television, reading, cleaning, exercise, or any other distraction. These distractions fail to provide a solution but aren’t likely to cause additional harm. They can even have some benefits. Certain reading materials are helpful. And having a cleaner home isn’t too shabby either. But you’re still left with the source of your stress.
  2. Spending time with others. This could be positive, depending on how the time is spent. If you’re merely distracting yourself, it’s neutral.

You’re not creating additional challenges if you employ neutral self-soothe strategies. However, handling your stress in even more effective ways is possible.


Examples of positive strategies:

  • Focus on solutions. Solutions eliminate the causes of your distress. Taking your mind off your challenge and directing it to find an answer reduces stressful feelings.
  • Discuss your challenge with someone. You’ll likely gain new insights while putting yourself in a happier state. Brainstorm together and look for a way to eliminate the cause of your emotional distress. 
  • Journal. Putting your thoughts on paper can ease your stress and be the start of a solution. You also have the benefit of recording your life for future reference.


Are you self-soothing positively? These methods require confronting the stressful situation, so they don’t provide the instant, easy relief that other, less effective methods do. The good news is that you’re addressing the root cause of your stress!


List 5 ways to deal with your fear, sadness, or stress that are more positive than your current strategies.

Which is most likely to work for you? Everyone is different, so avoid believing that one solution is best for everyone.

Everyone has a primary strategy for dealing with uncomfortable feelings. What’s yours?

How can you self-soothe more effectively? A positive means of easing negative emotions is priceless. Manage your emotional pain in a way that avoids additional challenges and confronts the source.

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Denise Roden, NBC-HWC

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Bariatric Center for Success, President

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