The Power of Personal Boundaries

As a weight loss surgery patient, personal boundaries are essential for several reasons. They protect our health and the journey we are on to wellness. They serve as barriers to protect our self-esteem. They are also tools for establishing limits with others and communicating that we won’t tolerate certain behaviors. Those without personal boundaries commonly end up in less-than-ideal situations and relationships.

Without limits, you’re a victim of the whims of those around you. Personal boundaries are about respecting yourself and demanding respect from others.

Establish healthy personal boundaries with these tips:

  1. Value yourself.
    You can set your own boundaries as you see fit. Few people will treat you better than you demand, so take responsibility for caring for yourself. Unfortunately, no one else is going to take responsibility for your well-being.
  1. Define yourself.
    Decide who you are, what you want to be, and how you deserve to be treated. What are you willing to accept from others? What are you no longer willing to take? If you don’t define yourself, the rest of the world will do it for you. And you won’t like it.
  1. Place a priority on yourself.
    Others are important, but they’re not any more important than you. If you take care of yourself first, you’re better positioned to care for others. Running yourself ragged for others isn’t helping anyone. You’ll be a better parent, spouse, and employee if you take good care of yourself.
  1. Consider where you need to set limits in your life.
    Maybe you need to stop volunteering to work Saturdays or stop accepting emotional abuse from your spouse. Maybe you’re too willing to loan money to people who never repay you. You get in life what you’re willing to tolerate. What are you no longer willing to tolerate?
  1. Set firm and clear boundaries.
    Be reasonable but clear to others. If others know where you stand on certain issues, there’s less chance for confusion or miscommunication. However, it’s possible to have too strict boundaries. If you’re alone and overly self-sufficient, you probably suffer from overly strict personal boundaries.
  1. Be flexible.
    You don’t have to follow a rule 100% of the time. Decide who and what you want to let in and what’s best to keep out. Studies have shown that people with some flexibility in their personal boundaries tend to have the best combination of happiness and success. Being too rigid can be just as problematic as being too lax.
  1. Learn to say no when needed.
    Boundaries are limits on what you’ll accept from others. Avoid falling victim to the tendency to make everyone else happy. Healthy boundaries and being a little selfish go hand-in-hand. Try saying “no” to someone today. The world won’t come to an end.
  1. Communicate openly.
    When people cross your boundaries, it’s up to you to inform them. Many times, this is as simple as refusing a request. You may be required to provide more explanation in other instances. Others cannot give you what you want if you don’t provide feedback.

Having boundaries is an exercise in caring for and respecting yourself. You have the right to expect a certain level of respect and consideration from others.

If your lack of personal boundaries creates challenges, now is the time to start taking better care of yourself. Adequate boundaries are suitable for your self-esteem, general mental health, and all other aspects of your life. You also put yourself in a better position to care for your friends and family.

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Denise Roden, NBC-HWC

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Bariatric Center for Success, President

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