There is nothing that calls to me more than going out on the sailboat during the summer. Not only is it physical exercise, but I am spiritually relaxed and mentally supercharged! It’s my happy place. What’s yours?   

Throughout the summer, there are several fun activities you can do to improve yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. While many people see summer as a time to be lazy, you can have fun and see improvement at the same time. You can have a rich and rewarding experience this summer while you enjoy yourself. Plus, you’ll be healthier in the fall as a result!

Ways to Gain Physical Strength Over the Summer

The most important self-improvement challenge for many people is physical health. You may want to lose weight, gain muscle, or both. Or perhaps you’re already healthy, but you want to maintain your current level of fitness. Healthy and wholesome physical activities are plentiful in the summertime.

Surround yourself with like-minded people who share your physical fitness goals. It’s much easier to stay on a fitness plan when you have others to help you. If you share similar goals and struggles, you can lighten the load and encourage each other to keep on moving forward. A partner makes it harder to give up your physical fitness goals.

Here are a few ideas to help you take action toward your physical improvement goals for this summer:

* Start a neighborhood evening walk.
* Get in the pool or ocean and swim.
* Beat the heat with a gym membership and join with a friend for added motivation.
* Set a goal that inspires you, such as training for 5k walk/run.
* Try many different forms of exercise until you find one or more that you truly enjoy.

Strength in Other Areas

You can gain emotional and mental strength too. This summer, many activities can take you outdoors and get you moving. But plenty of summer activities promote your mental, emotional, and spiritual advancement as well.

For instance, you could make the most of your summer by taking time to learn to relax. Instead of spending your summer hurrying from activity to activity, decide that you’ll nurture yourself and provide your body with the rest it needs. The most important thing is to find a balance between physical activity and the rest your body needs.

When your body gets the rest it needs, you’ll have more energy and motivation to tackle other self-improvement goals. Time to recharge your batteries provides your body with the fuel it needs to make the most of the abundant opportunities that summer brings.

Use these ideas to recharge your batteries and feel happier at the same time:

* Take a yoga or painting class.
* Start a garden.
* Study nature through a quiet activity, such as bird watching.
* Meditate in a park or other nature setting where it’s peaceful.
* Meditate on the beach, with the waves as background noise.

Keep your mind open for creative self-improvement opportunities. You don’t have to be running in the gym or sitting in a classroom full of complex ideas to be improving yourself. There are so many ways to move forward that you can find self-improvement opportunities in almost any activity!

When you keep your mind and heart open, you can make choices and take chances that help you shape a bright future. It’s through these things that you become whole and get in touch with your inner self. And you can begin that exciting journey today!

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Denise Roden, NBC-HWC

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Bariatric Center for Success, President

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